Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Ban of The Plastic Guns

I totally agree with Dylan Reeves in his article "Should Congress ban plastic guns?”. The plastic guns are in a fast progress, they are becoming more and more powerful. The problem is that the plastic materiel is undetectable by the metal detectors and x ray machines which mean these types of firearms could easily be carried inside of hospitals, airports, school … that will create problems. I accept that kids can play with the plastics guns toys but human are going so far that they arrived to make it a deadly weapon. So I agree with the ban of plastic guns and control the 3D printers.

Here is a video that shows how powerful are the plastic guns and how they are made. 

Monday, December 2, 2013


I really agree with President Obama about spending $100 million into the project to find a new generation of therapies. President Obama wants to put the HIV into long-term remission without requiring lifelong therapies, or eliminate it completely. So this is the time to find a solution for this virus which killed millions of people through years. However it is really hard for people agree with his innovation because of the financial problem that USA is facing.
I think if this innovation finds a cure for the HIV, President Obama will solve a big issue not only in USA which has 1.1 million people living with HIV infection, but in all over the world, which will make Obama move forward in his career as a President.
I believe that this innovation is a smart move from President Obama which may lead for realignment. For example, if they find the cure for the HIV many affected people who follow other political parties than Democrat will be cured thanks to Presidents Obama. So that may push them to become democrats.

I strongly believe that most of the people affected by the HIV are rejected from their society. So this innovation will give those people the self-confidence that they need to reintegrate in the society. Furthermore, this innovation will help all the humans around the world and this will give the good picture about Obama and his country.