Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Ban of The Plastic Guns

I totally agree with Dylan Reeves in his article "Should Congress ban plastic guns?”. The plastic guns are in a fast progress, they are becoming more and more powerful. The problem is that the plastic materiel is undetectable by the metal detectors and x ray machines which mean these types of firearms could easily be carried inside of hospitals, airports, school … that will create problems. I accept that kids can play with the plastics guns toys but human are going so far that they arrived to make it a deadly weapon. So I agree with the ban of plastic guns and control the 3D printers.

Here is a video that shows how powerful are the plastic guns and how they are made. 

Monday, December 2, 2013


I really agree with President Obama about spending $100 million into the project to find a new generation of therapies. President Obama wants to put the HIV into long-term remission without requiring lifelong therapies, or eliminate it completely. So this is the time to find a solution for this virus which killed millions of people through years. However it is really hard for people agree with his innovation because of the financial problem that USA is facing.
I think if this innovation finds a cure for the HIV, President Obama will solve a big issue not only in USA which has 1.1 million people living with HIV infection, but in all over the world, which will make Obama move forward in his career as a President.
I believe that this innovation is a smart move from President Obama which may lead for realignment. For example, if they find the cure for the HIV many affected people who follow other political parties than Democrat will be cured thanks to Presidents Obama. So that may push them to become democrats.

I strongly believe that most of the people affected by the HIV are rejected from their society. So this innovation will give those people the self-confidence that they need to reintegrate in the society. Furthermore, this innovation will help all the humans around the world and this will give the good picture about Obama and his country.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Against Abortion

             When you said "it is ABSOLUTELY her right to remove it", you did not mention that abortion is removing an incoming baby which will cause his/her death which is a murder. The number of American babies killed by abortion each year is roughly equal to the number of U.S. military deaths that have occurred in all of the wars that the United States has ever been involved in combined ( ). And don't you think that no one except God can take away life. You said "who is going to support those children", before the women have sex, she has to take the responsibility. The State of Texas did not just liked to put the law to stop abortion but the State did it because abortion may cause the death of the women, and it is a crime to kill a baby.

            "If these men were FORCED to give birth, I bet a lot of such laws would change overnight", for me it is not question of men or women, it is about the responsibility and no one has the right to kill an incoming baby. IT IS INHUMANE!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

                                                  The Right Decision Against Iran 

          From my point of view, the American government is getting in other countries problems, which may lead to some serious problems. After reading the article “Congress Can Help on Iran” by THE EDITORIAL BOARD”“ posted in NewYorkTimes, I understood that the national government wants to negotiate with Mr. Rouhani about the nuclear agreement.

            United States and its major partners Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany had a good negotiation with Iran. But Congress could quickly poison the atmosphere by cutting Iran’s oil exports which led to economic problems. I think that Congress was reckless in that decision because Iran will conclude that USA are not interested in stopping just the nuclear “weapons” but also killing the economic. The House did not want the cut of Iran’s oil exports.
            Since now there are no proves that Iran has nuclear weapon or even nuclear energy. So for me I think that USA should not do a wrong move or action because Iran is a smart country which has a smart leader. As I said, no prove is showing that Iran has a nuclear weapon (experts said that), so if USA launch a military attack against Iran that may lead to a fatal war. However, those proves may be wrong, Iran may have the nuclear weapon and USA will be in a serious problem. I think the Congress and The House and should help each other and make some safe steps because when we talk about the nuclear there is no way to make wrong steps, it is like if USA is a person walking with other friends (Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany) in the desert and USA steps on bombs, at that time they will make a run and leave USA get bombed by itself. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

                             For A Perfect Healthcare Law  (blog 4)

       On Monday, October 21, Los Angeles Times published an article about “Obama: Fighting for a better perception of healthcare law”. In this event, President Obama held a “Rose Garden” event about the issue of the healthcare program in order to talk about two goals. The first goal was about the problems that have confounded those trying to sign up for insurance using the program’s online insurance site, and the second was group of Americans who oppose Obamacare.
       Cathleen Decker the publisher of this article shows by using many polls from CNN, ABC News and Washington Post that the supporters of this new healthcare law are almost the half 50%, and the opponents are composed from some people who says that this law is not measured that good and well developed and some people have no idea what Obamacare talks about.

        I totally disagree with the opponents because they are not willing to making this new law better or replace it, they are willing to kill it and remove it. However, I agree with President Obama when he said “willing to work with anyone on any idea to make this law perform even better”, which means this law is good but with help of people and giving new ideas this law could change from good to a perfect healthcare law. President Obama know that this problem is not easy to fix when you have opponents, so like many other issues “All this will probably take at least a year to shake out, and maybe longer” as he said. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

                   Getting Older, Growing Poorer

On October 5, the New York Times published an article named Getting Older, Growing Poorer by THE EDITORIAL BOARD.The issue proposed here is one of the most popular, Poverty. People talked about it too much that it became complicated in the eye of the society. Basically when a problem like this occurs, all the eyes turn to the government.       The President should do this, the Congress should pass that. But is this the right way to look at it?The fact that the society is waiting for a flow of money to be poured over them from the government is rather a blind hope. Not because the government is not up to the challenge, but because it is technically impossible.

 Social Security and other ways have been utilized to help support the U.S. citizens. Even though the government has a stronghold on everything, it is still considered one party in this issue.

As long as the government is working alone, the increasing rate will become a “trend” that the society should wrap their mind around.  Government is not the people; government is a part of the people. The other part is clueless how flawed they are. They must pick their game, work with the government. Now the old people in the poverty range had made the missed the train of opportunity when it came at a young age.      The poverty will trend if the government and people stay ignoring it. So if these two (government and people) help each other, the poverty will decrease.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Navy Yard Victims


  In September 23,2013 the New York Times published an article in regard of President Obama’s speech to the families of the Washington D.C. Navy Yard victims. The article highlights most of the key moments of the speech and the gun control issue in the United States.   

   President’s Barack Obama joined the families in this tragic memory of their lost loved ones, who their souls vanished in a flick of a trigger. The article emphasizes the great compassion of the President and the fact that this is not just a formal speech of his. He spoke like those people are his family.