Tuesday, October 8, 2013

                   Getting Older, Growing Poorer

On October 5, the New York Times published an article named Getting Older, Growing Poorer by THE EDITORIAL BOARD.The issue proposed here is one of the most popular, Poverty. People talked about it too much that it became complicated in the eye of the society. Basically when a problem like this occurs, all the eyes turn to the government.       The President should do this, the Congress should pass that. But is this the right way to look at it?The fact that the society is waiting for a flow of money to be poured over them from the government is rather a blind hope. Not because the government is not up to the challenge, but because it is technically impossible.

 Social Security and other ways have been utilized to help support the U.S. citizens. Even though the government has a stronghold on everything, it is still considered one party in this issue.

As long as the government is working alone, the increasing rate will become a “trend” that the society should wrap their mind around.  Government is not the people; government is a part of the people. The other part is clueless how flawed they are. They must pick their game, work with the government. Now the old people in the poverty range had made the missed the train of opportunity when it came at a young age.      The poverty will trend if the government and people stay ignoring it. So if these two (government and people) help each other, the poverty will decrease.

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